Vanessa Bayer learns how to be a dairy farmer in this five episode entertainment series.

Dairy Diaries trailer

Welcome to Freeville Day 1: Vanessa arrives at Beck Farms in Freeville, NY to learn everything she can about how to be a real-life dairy farmer.

Milking it Day 2: Vanessa milks some cows and learns how milk gets from the farm to the grocery store.

Number Two Day 3: Vanessa gains a new appreciation for manure as she learns about how the nutrients in cow feed help grow future food for the herd.

Caring for Cows Day 4: Vanessa meets Dr. Laura, and learns about how much work goes into taking care of the herd.

Moo’ving Forward Day 5: Vanessa takes a field trip to Cornell University and learns about how dairy farms are working toward a more sustainable future. She also says goodbye to the Becks.


A fish-out-of-water journey into the world of dairy farming with Emmy-nominated sketch comedian and actress Vanessa Bayer. The five-episode series for US dairy farmers, processors, and importers takes viewers behind the scenes at Beck Farms, a fourth generation, self-sustaining dairy farm in upstate New York. The show premiered on the Roku Channel in the US. As one reddit poster said, “This is The Simple Life, but adorable instead of awful.”

We worked hand-in-hand with Scout Productions on this project The five-episode series lives for free streaming on the Roku Channel Link .


224m+ earned media impressions

509 earned media placements

80%+ VCR (viewer completion rate)

Average of 7.94 mins minutes viewed per episode

96% positive sentiment

Surpassed planned impressions by 97%

Roku said “We’ve never seen such a high VCR for this type of/length of content. Additionally, the average of nearly 8 mins spent per episode also validates the fact that the audience seemed to really enjoy the content they were consuming. All in all, this was a super successful campaign!”